Extended Families on St. George Island have become a favorite by this point, and even more so now a full year passed this session.
This was one of the cloudiest sessions I had experienced since discovering and applying my style of shooting and editing. I came home so excited to edit, in love with this family and their entire session. However, there was just one thing off, the vibrancy I had seen before wasn't there. At the time I let it go, but NOW, I know what it was.
I've since solved the mystery of the subdued colors, and cooler tones; the positioning of the clients in relation to the sunlight. It was totally on me, but I had never thought to treat the clouds TRULY like a soft box in a studio. While the whole sky could be considered one, the impact of facing them towards the sun would have transformed these.
This session was pivotal to discovering the right and less than ideal ways to photograph on cloudy days with my particular editing style. Saying I'm thankful for this is an understatement!
Now, one of the best responses I've ever received regarding a still life I delivered in a gallery came from this momma. She told me it was a beautiful representation of how families are often broken people that all fit together. How God is the one who places us together just perfectly. That touched my soul... it was so simple yet every bit of confirmation I needed to continue to provide still life's and landscapes in client galleries.
Cortney became my number one hype woman on Instagram when she booked her session and then after continued to show so much support. She mentioned to me in my DM's how it felt like she knew me just from my posts. That seriously meant a lot to me.
Here is the photograph mentioned above:
Should I add this one to the online art gallery shop?
Much Love + God Bless
Kelsey Weeks